The market of the weekend was very slow. The overall trend of the white plate was oscillating upward. The high point was 66750, which was still relatively empty. The market gradually went down in the evening, and the low point was about 66600. Most of the time during the day was in narrow floating fluctuations. I have always said that there is no secret to this kind of market. You can just do it back and forth in the high and low ranges. It is basically a done deal. For some people, I can only say that it is better to compete with the wise than to discuss the shortcomings with the fools; cognition is not in the same dimension, there is no need to conquer each other or force recognition.

After the market gradually went down in the evening, the current plate surface structure has been biased. From the hourly level, the Bollinger band has signs of opening. The market is currently running between the middle and lower rails, and the holding sun has launched a test on the lower rail. After the position, the superposition will be given to the edge. Other indexes are also biased. I personally arrange to carry out around the kong at midnight.

Big cake: 66700-67000 kong, pay attention to 65600

Aunt: 3065-3080 kong, pay attention to 3010#美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC $ETH $BNB