This week is coming to an end. The overall market trend during the week is a low opening and high closing, with a trend of first suppression and then rise. At the beginning of this week, the market repeatedly approached 60,000. When most of the market sentiment was that it would fall again, Duojun pulled up to around 63,500 and then slightly weakened. Then it retraced to around 61,000 and met strong support; then the market continued to advance all the way to 67,000, with the highest point reaching 67,750. The current market is running around 67,000. The market trend on weekdays this week is still relatively large, and I have also grasped the strength of the holding Xu in time; the market trend on the weekends is relatively flat, and most of the short string Buju basically have strength. After a week, it is still remarkable. This week, the big cake and the concubine have won a total of 11,159 + 438 points of space. It will be a new week soon. The operating space of the market has been compressed to the extreme. I believe that the market will soon get out of the shock, and continue to grasp it well. #美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC $ETH $BNB