
In the cryptocurrency circle, the common characteristics of losing money are summarized as follows:

1. Good at fantasy. After losing money for seven or eight years, before making any money, they start to fantasize about a hundredfold profit from a small amount of capital, a sea of ​​villas, spring flowers, beautiful women, and a large family in the future.

2. Not knowing how to share. It is particularly exciting to consult others about trading secrets, but when it is his turn to share, he keeps his mouth shut, saying that the way to make money should be left to his descendants, and even his wife cannot know. It must be true that he does not know, otherwise he would have made money quietly and would not ask around about other people's trading methods and ideas. On the contrary, those who make tens of millions of dollars a year are particularly willing to share, even for free, and are keen to share how to manage the mental system. After all, a mature trading system is composed of technology and mental system. Otherwise, the level is too high, and he makes a lot of money. In the end, like the soybean meal king, he stubbornly goes against the trend, loses his integrity in his later years, and is useless. His wealth and fame are just frost on the tiles.

3. Like to regret. Missing out often is more painful than losing money. I think the loss is controllable, and I will earn less if I miss out. In fact, the only reason for not being able to do it is that I am not good enough, and then I have luck. This is the top level of strength. With this strength, you can make money that others cannot make in their lifetime in three to five years. But most people only have a ten-year fortune, and it will be gone after that. It is impossible to make a fortune with ordinary luck.

4. Self-righteousness. I always think that it is not a problem of level, but a problem of luck. I think I have seen this and that right, but in fact, it is all wrong. There are so many people who have seen it right but not made money and lost money. Futures are warehouse explosions, and currency circles are thunderstorms. Stocks are like boiling frogs in warm water. When cotton rose to more than 20,000, many people who bought more than 10,000 actually had their warehouses exploded because they hit two limit downs. There is a luck component in this, and this luck is only available to people who have the Tao. It is called walking on land without encountering rhinoceros tigers, and entering the army without being attacked by armored soldiers. Self-righteousness and bad luck are all manipulated by the market.

And capital is best at doing the opposite of these leeks, and all techniques are for harvesting leeks.