In the end, people who speculate in cryptocurrencies generally do not believe in technology. Because no matter how you play, you can't beat AI traders in the end.

In fact, we all know that the money we make in the cryptocurrency circle is just because we entered the market earlier and made money on dividends. If we change to the stock market, we will definitely lose everything if we use the so-called technology to make money in the stock market.

The reason is simple. The stock market started in the 1990s. We were just born and did not catch up with the tide of the times.

Now the difficulty of the cryptocurrency circle is increasing. You can't absolutely trust a person, nor can you be stupid enough to think that you are always right.

For example, Tony bought the bottom of BTC at 57,000. I also agree that it is the bottom, because I know that the altcoin hit the bottom on April 13.

But some people say that ETH is going to Shenma 2400, and I don't agree. Because in my statistics, the altcoin currently does not have the conditions to fall below the lowest point of April 13.

We look at other people's analysis and logic, mainly to constantly correct our own logical loopholes. Instead of being a troll day after day and complaining about yourself, without any progress.

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