The incident happened in Xiamen! Huang (male, 16 years old) was sentenced

The incident happened in Xiamen

Huang (male, 16 years old) got into trouble

He was arrested twice

Finally sentenced!!

What is going on?


The Xiamen Tong'an District Procuratorate

examined and prosecuted such a case

Quickly look! Quickly look!


Huang, who spends money lavishly, does a "part-time job"

Earned 3,000 yuan in 6 hours

Huang, who is only 16 years old

Usually spends money lavishly

Want to make some extra money

So he looked for part-time job information online

While browsing the short video website,

A message that "You only need to prepare two mobile phones,

Hourly wage 500 yuan, daily salary,

Interested parties can chat privately"

Attracted Huang's attention

Huang contacted the other party

The other party called himself "Blue Cat"

"Blue Cat" said

You only need to set up a set of communication equipment, connect the two mobile phones through audio and data cables, and then download the specified software and provide it to yourself for remote control. After use, the salary will be settled according to the length of use.

What on earth were they going to do with the two phones?

Huang knew something was fishy, ​​but he agreed to it in order to make money.

According to the request of "Blue Cat", Huang set up the equipment and opened the software to accept remote control. He saw the other party repeatedly dialing the phone remotely, claiming to be a customer service of "Taobao" and "Moudong". Huang now understood that the other party was conducting online telecommunications fraud. But even so, he did not stop assisting!

The whole process lasted about 6 hours until the mobile phone card was blocked and the call could no longer be made. Afterwards, Huang received a reward of 3,000 yuan from "Blue Cat". On the same day, the fraudsters used the phone to defraud 30,000 yuan and 26,000 yuan from the two victims respectively. After the victims called the police, Huang was arrested by the public security organs and was later released on bail.

01 During the bail period, Huang actually did this... He was arrested again! Finally sentenced!

During the period of bail pending trial, Huang not only did not repent, but also gathered Lin, Chen and others to continue to assist overseas fraudsters to carry out "mobile phone port" fraud. The three people had a clear division of labor. Chen was responsible for stealing phone cards. Huang and Lin were responsible for contacting overseas fraudsters to assist in making fraud calls. Huang contacted "Blue Cat" again and repeated the same trick. The three people made a profit of 5,000 yuan, but the victim Wu was defrauded of more than 380,000 yuan! ! Soon, Huang and the other two were arrested by the police.The case was transferred to the Tongan District Procuratorate for review and prosecution. After review, it was determined that Huang, Lin, and Chen conspired with overseas fraudsters to help others commit fraud. Their behavior has violated Article 266 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. The facts of the crime are clear, and the evidence is solid and sufficient. They should be held criminally responsible for fraud. In the end, the defendant Huang was sentenced to one year and eight months in prison and fined RMB 2,000. Chen and Lin were sentenced to two years and two months in prison and one year and five months in prison, suspended sentences of two years and six months and two years, and fined. It sounded the alarm and taught a profound lesson. The law is long and there is no loophole. If you do not repent during the period of bail, it is difficult for minors to escape real punishment. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You can easily earn a lot of money by working part-time. It is not credible. The editor checked online and found that similar things are not uncommon. Many students have been arrested! Be alert! Be alert! New scam of "mobile phone mouth" What is "mobile phone mouth"? Why has the new type of fraud "mobile phone mouth" appeared in recent years? Get these knowledge quickly

What is the "mobile phone port" business?

The so-called "mobile phone port" refers to connecting two mobile phones with an audio recording line, or turning on the external speakers at the same time. One of the mobile phones talks to the fraudsters through the network social software, and the other inserts a local phone card to call the victim's phone to achieve voice transfer, successfully concealing the location of the fraud call, and reducing the victim's vigilance.

Why has the new fraud method of "mobile phone port" appeared in recent years?

In recent years, the public security organs have launched special operations such as "cutting cards" to crack down on domestic "black and gray industry two card" crimes, which has compressed the living space of overseas fraud gangs. In this case, criminals started "mobile phone port" fraud. Fraudsters use the "mobile phone port" business to conduct voice transfer, which can successfully conceal the location of the fraud call, making the crime more concealed and deceptive.

How does this so-called "no need to speak" part-time job "knowingly break the law"?

In the process of overseas electronic fraud gangs committing fraud against victims, the role of the part-time middleman is to connect two mobile phones. He only needs to help dial the victim's phone, turn on the speakerphone, listen to the conversation between the two parties as a bystander, and finally hang up the phone according to the instructions of the fraud gang.Although they didn't say a word during the whole process, as long as the hands-free function was turned on, it was possible to hear what both parties were doing. He should know that this was to assist telecommunications network fraud.

If "mobile phone port" fraud is carried out

What legal sanctions may be imposed?

According to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the crime of assisting information network criminal activities shall be punished with fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years or criminal detention for serious circumstances, and shall be fined or fined alone. If other crimes are constituted at the same time, they shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions of heavier penalties.

The police also reminded everyone to keep their eyes open and not to rent, lend or sell mobile phone cards and bank cards, let alone set up "mobile phone ports" for overseas fraudsters and become accomplices of criminals.

Illegal things cannot be done!