
Does robbing virtual currency constitute a crime?

The prosecutor of the Siming District People's Procuratorate

Bring you a real case

Mr. Zhao has a virtual currency called Tether, which he intends to cash out. He negotiated with Chen to trade at a price of 670,000 yuan. On the day of the transaction, Chen and his gang of four drove out to meet Mr. Zhao with 670,000 yuan in cash. In the car, Mr. Zhao counted the cash in front of Chen while calling his friend to transfer the Tether to the account designated by Chen. After confirming that the Tether had arrived, Chen and his accomplices suddenly took out the sticks they had prepared in advance and stabbed Mr. Zhao, who was counting the cash in front of them, threatening and forcing him to get out of the car. Immediately, Chen and his gang drove away with 670,000 yuan in cash and embezzled Mr. Zhao's Tether.

After the Siming District Procuratorate filed a public prosecution, the court finally sentenced Chen and his gang of four to fixed-term imprisonment and a fine for robbery. Among them, the leader Chen was sentenced to 11 years and 6 months.