Pattern refers to a person's vision, mind and courage, and the depth and realm of a person's view of problems. The size of the pattern determines the height of a person's life.

1. I was born with talents that will be useful, and I will get them back even if I lose all my money. Life is sometimes difficult, but it is not insurmountable. If you are braver and more confident, you can cultivate your life to the way you like. No matter what situation you are in, don't give up on yourself, calm down and accumulate and improve yourself, and everything in life will slowly get better.

2. If you can't carry it, put it down; if you can't afford to be hurt, look at it lightly; if you can't figure it out, don't think about it; if you can't get over it, make peace with it. Life is a process of cultivation. Don't waste your time and let down your years.

3. Real growth is bound to be accompanied by great pain, humiliation, and injury. These are the nourishment of growth. Believe that every setback and effort is worth it. The experience will make you stronger and make you wiser.

4. Allowing everything to happen and accepting all the pain is your practice.

5. Cultivating the mind means cultivating one's inner self, improving one's moral cultivation and spiritual realm, cultivating good qualities such as kindness, integrity, tolerance, compassion, and wisdom, and improving one's sense of happiness and inner peace. ​

6. Life is happy because of giving, and happiness increases because of sharing. Only when the soul has a home can life have a path. Only when you learn to be alone with yourself can your soul be peaceful, your mind mature, and your heart broad.

7. Being alone is a kind of quiet beauty, and also a kind of cultivation. Only when you can be at ease when you are alone, you can be calm and composed in the hustle and bustle. #BTC