Please read more comments to know more tips Giang is doing. ❤️❤️

1. Spot commissions are also something very special and this and that

This is Giang's commission yesterday, May 14, 2024, from a specific exchange, BingX. In nature, the day with the most roses up to the present time on the show. :))

Anyone who works as an Affiliate on the floor often thinks that Future trading commissions will account for the majority of income, right?

But this photo of less than 100% of Giang's 1-day commission coming from BingX is from Spot trading.

At first, Giang thought that BingX also specializes in Future and Copy Trade because the floor has many programs giving Future and Copy refund vouchers. And in the beginning, it was true that Giang also calculated that the commission also came from Future mainly.

But in the past week or so, on a few floors (Giang is currently affiliated with many floors, somewhere around a dozen floors), Giang saw 90% of the commission coming from Spot.

Giang thinks it's because the general market is currently adjusting, making it difficult to bet on the Future so...

But recognizing that being an Affiliate on many floors (remember, there must be many floors, AE, rather than working on 1 or a few floors, Giang is not sure), we will have a feeling about the market in our own way, AE: Based on quantity. Referrals, commissions, volume increase and decrease every day to know what the Crypto market is like, of course it cannot be 100% absolutely accurate.

2. 100% commission comes from indirect referrals

Currently, 100% of Giang's referrals from BingX only come from Free traffic, a series of videos on Y.outube, with only 7 videos somewhere. And Giang estimates that if Giang makes about 15 - 20 videos about BingX within 1 year, it will somewhere occupy the Top videos or Playlist about the floor.

Giang currently does not follow the method of recruiting referrals by texting because Giang feels that it will take a lot of consulting time, but in return it is quite effective. Giang's thinking is to do something once that will save you money in the future. It takes more time, and the more you do it, the greater the effect. In the end, you only have to make videos on YouTube AE.

Read more in the comments below, everyone!! 👇👇