Project Introduction:

SoulLand is a gamified social subscription platform that solves the downward information and social needs of Web3 by introducing gamification elements, allowing users to obtain first-hand information from KOLs through social networking while participating in game battles, staking and other gameplay to earn token rewards, thereby gaining an interesting learning experience with a profitable goal.

Project Financing

The tutorial is as follows
Email to register an account
Download the app
This official website:
app is here

Remember to bind the invitation code for a bonus
Just enter it in your invitation center.

Go sign in
Go to the Mission Center

To complete the task
You need to top up some BNB to your wallet. About 0.002 is enough. Don’t add 1USDT before. Don’t add it now.
What do you propose

Open the wallet generated by the system and copy the address to recharge

Copy wallet in personal center

Points will be awarded even if the answer is wrong.

Forward once a day

There are only a few windows with 5 comments every day, which are easy to find.

Anyway, it's very simple, just stick to it. There's really no other way to make money.
| Go to the union to look for money-making opportunities

Search and join to spend 2 points

This time it’s really gone
Remember to sign in every day
Remember to fill in my invitation code: IL5J8V
Let's pull wool together