$BTC $ETH $BNB Analysis of future market trends, let me first say the conclusion, Bitcoin is rising, Ethereum ETFs are approved. Let me explain why I say this, first of all, Bitcoin may still fluctuate for a while, and friends who are still short can find a suitable point to slowly enter the market. At present, the price of cottage can be said to be quite low, some are even lower than when Bitcoin was more than 30,000 dollars last year.

Many people are staring at the Fed's interest rate cuts, thinking that the first interest rate cut will be in September, but everyone should know that although the Fed is the most influential in global finance, there is more than just the United States in the world. More countries can no longer bear such high interest rates, coupled with the hegemony of the United States, some small and medium-sized countries, and even big countries will slowly begin to cut interest rates. Another point is that the United States is actually a country with a lot of capital discourse power, and ETF approval is a necessary condition for capital to harvest leeks, not to mention that China and the United States are the largest holders of Bitcoin. The most important point is that this wave of US interest rate hikes is so bad that only a few small countries are harvested, resulting in a decline in the credibility of the US dollar economy. Many countries are beginning to consider holding gold, bitcoin, etc. as strategic reserves. Of course, this process is not achieved overnight, it is a slow but inevitable process.

In summary, I am bullish, but I do not recommend contracts. However, if you have to play, there is nothing to say. In the future, it depends on your own operations. I am a spot player. VIPs can be added in the comment area of ​​the pinned article. I will post from time to time when I have insights.