Three bad habits of speculating in cryptocurrencies, see if you have any.

First, you get excited when you see the market is in a hurry. It starts and is going to rise sharply. You are afraid of missing out, so you just chase it without observing the location of the coin, the shape, the fundamentals, whether the volume is sustained, and you just stand guard after buying it.

The second red is exactly the opposite of the above one. The price of the coin plummeted during the trading session and the goods were shipped. Without considering the continuation and volume during the trading session, you immediately cut your losses. Once you cut your losses, you cut the floor. The biggest problem with the above two points is that your mentality is unstable and you are swayed by emotions. Investment is a business that pays attention to probability. It requires a certain rationality. Emotional thinking will not make good investments.

Third, if you can't hold on to the rise, can you die if you lose money? Many people, when a coin loses 5 points, are indifferent, when it loses 10 points, they dare not rebound, when it loses more than 20 points, it is useless, or they keep covering their positions in the downward trend, covering their positions, covering their positions themselves is a misplaced transaction, and they have to be trapped for a long time, and suddenly one day they are untied, a large volume stretch, a small drop the next day, and they immediately run away, this is a common problem for most people.

How to overcome these problems? You need to learn more, think more about losses, read your own delivery files more, and find the heart from them.

I am Dapeng and want the password. Click on the avatar and follow to see the homepage introduction. My strategy is facing fans and has been shared free of charge. If you take the initiative to find me, I will take you ashore in this bull market, and you just lie down!

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