At present, the Federal Reserve has not cut interest rates, and we are in a critical window period.

The big bull market has not really kicked off yet. At present, the market is just absorbing chips and experiencing some shock adjustments.

At this stage, we should remain calm and stick to our investment strategy.

When the market falls sharply, we can buy boldly;

When it falls slightly, we can increase our holdings appropriately.

You should know that if you miss this round of bull market, you may need to wait another four years to encounter such a good investment opportunity.

It is too early to predict where the market will go. The important thing is that we have patience and confidence and are not disturbed by short-term market fluctuations.

If you don’t have enough determination and always sell easily because of panic or greed, you will eventually miss wealth again and again, leaving endless regrets.

I wish you to complete your capital accumulation in the currency circle. You are also welcome to click on my avatar to be concise. Jun Yangli chats. Many years of currency circle experience may be helpful to you

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