How can a novice make the first pot of gold in the crypto market? 🎁

1. Prepare 100,000-200,000 yuan, convert all of it into U and put it in Binance. Then, buy one share every month, just like a fixed investment, 100,000-200,000 yuan is divided into 50 shares, and buy every month, no mistake.

25% of Bitcoin, 25% of ETH, 25% of BNB, and 25% of SOL. Then, just do your thing, don't keep staring at it. Three or five years later, you look back and see, oh, one million is already firmly in your pocket! This method is simple and safe, and no one wants to compete with you.

2. Another technical process:

To get airdrops, whitelists, and new listings, you need to be proficient in programming, play with remote servers, speak fluent English, and have first-hand sources of information to operate in batches. You are a scientist in the currency circle, using knowledge and technology to create wealth for yourself. However, this path requires you to keep learning and hone your skills, but once you succeed, the benefits are huge!

3. Finally, this is a matter of luck: 👇🏻

In the early stage of the bull market, you need to be farsighted and choose a potential stock that can rise more than 10 times. This depends on your judgment, traffic, concept, and who is the big boss on the platform.

Most Chinese projects, especially MEME, should be kept away, and there is a high probability that they are pitfalls. You should make more friends, consult more experts, and improve your cognition. When the opportunity comes, you must have decisive judgment and decision-making ability, seize it, and 1 million is not far away from you!

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