this market really is something haha. Still no move and we keep taking the lows very slowly and then bouncing, not taking any previous highs on LTF to give us a market structure break which we would long (yet)

This gives us a few clues imo:

1) Miners are probably still twap selling spot

2) That selling is being heavily absorbed with limit bids, hence no violent drop

3) Slow bleed with no MS break to induce shorts and stop longs (leaving those highs untouched is on purpose)

4) Current Market Maker book positioning must start to lean heavy positive (They must have the opposite side of the market so if the market positions is being more in shorts that means MM is long)

I think this can however bleed down one more time to really stop everyone as some people surely have SLs at 29500

#GOATMoments #BTC #ltchalving