RWA, the tokenization of physical assets. This concept has existed for a long time. At the beginning, people wanted to turn physical objects such as houses into coins for blockchain transactions. However, this requires a strong centralized organization to put physical assets on the chain. The cost is on this central organization, which is generally a power organization. Many factors make it difficult to digitize physical atomic assets. RAM, the memory, is at the intersection of virtual and real. In the virtual world, it is quantified. In the physical world, it has no meaning. RAM is a bridge that connects the virtual and real worlds. This bridge is the native RWA. There is no one more suitable than RAM. Of course, it has two younger brothers, CPU and NET, but the value of these two has not been well developed yet. As the first native application of RWA, RAM will surely shine in the entire virtual world. This is a milestone event.

Finally: From 0.016 in December last year to 0.63 now, can you imagine it?

The key is that it has a few hundred times increase. Can you imagine it?

How to buy it?

TokenPocket/imToken wallet→EOS mainnet→Resources→Memory

EOS/RAM community

1. Join the Telegram community and search: ramtomoon

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