#机构积极投资比特币ETF #芝商所拟推出比特币现货交易

My friends, it is May 19th again. Those who have experienced it will have a lot of feelings. For those who are new to the circle, just make a souvenir. You don’t want to experience it.

After March 12th, there is another May 19th. Although these events are not fixed, and there are many factors that will cause this situation at the time, it should have no impact on the future. It is impossible for a decline to occur every time this event occurs. However, on March 12th, although the market did not fall sharply, it was also very dead.

This May 19th is also on the weekend, and the market may still tend to fluctuate sideways, or fall slightly. Pay attention to what should be sold on the weekend and what should be kept. The market may start to improve on Monday.