What happened to Ethereum today? It's swollen. Did Vitalik know that he was scolded too much? Then he didn't find a girl during this period. After recuperating for a while, he became hard?

The current 4H pressure is around 3050. Let's see if it can stand firm. If it stands firm, it is expected to rush to around 3100. The pressure of Bitcoin is around 67000. However, looking at the current situation, there is nothing special. It should continue to fluctuate over the weekend. The cottage will rebound. Overall, it may rush to around 68000-69000. So for short-term, you can refer to here to go direct!

Sol is short at 170-175 pressure. I suggest giving up. The current trend is relatively strong. It is better to wait patiently for the opportunity to buy low when it falls back.

AR is as high as 48.6, breaking through the previous high. I continue to be optimistic about AR and continue to hold it in the long term. SSV has also rebounded to 39. I have said before that I will buy low around 34. Some people continue to hold it. Ethereum is swollen today and should be able to break through 40. SSV is also a good target. There is no problem in the long term! #BTC