A bipartisan group of senators has called for increasing the government's artificial intelligence (AI) research budget to at least $32 billion annually.

Senators Schumer, Mike Rounds, Todd Young and Martin Heinrich announced an expert-based roadmap to address issues arising from the rapid advancement of AI on Wednesday, May 15 .

Despite being the headquarters of many of the world's largest AI companies, the US is currently lagging behind the European Union (EU), as well as other regions, in outlining regulations governing this field; Meanwhile, China is currently spending about 10 times more on AI development.

US lawmakers expect $32 billion in funding between now and 2026 to spur innovation and ensure US dominance in the field of AI.

The group's plan to focus on Generative AI, generative technology capable of generating text, photos and videos from open requests, has sparked both excitement and concern that it could destroy jobs, dump elections and even surpass people.

US officials warn that AI could increase the risk of bias, election interference through fake content and use in biological weapons or cyber attacks. The Senate Rules Committee will look to deal with the impact of AI in elections, including preventing fake AI-generated content in campaign ads.

Senator Schumer expects Congress to pass some AI legislation by the end of the year, while committees are working on AI legislation in the coming months. The Biden administration and lawmakers are also looking for a legislative solution for the AI ​​industry but progress remains slow.

Increasing investment in AI is considered a strategic step to maintain and strengthen America's position in this important technology field. The senators emphasized that the investment will bring long-term benefits, ensuring America's position in the global AI race as well as solving social and economic challenges that AI brings.