Here are four trading tips, Sister Lei shares with you:

Lazy hoarding strategy

This method is simple and easy, suitable for long-term investors. After buying digital currency, hold it for a long time to avoid the extra costs caused by frequent transactions. After waiting for half a year or a year, the income may increase significantly, or even double. But novices are prone to being impatient when facing price fluctuations, so being able to resist not operating for several months has shown good concentration.

Bull market chasing strategy

This strategy is particularly applicable during the bull market. Use some idle funds (it is recommended not to exceed one-fifth of the total funds) to choose digital currencies with a market value between 20 and 100 for trading. When a currency rises by 50% or more, you can consider switching to other currencies with larger declines. Through cyclical operations, you can get good returns in the bull market. But please be careful to choose the currency and avoid choosing digital currencies of poor quality.

Hourglass car replacement strategy

In the bull market, most digital currencies have the opportunity to rise. Funds will gradually flow into various currencies like sand in an hourglass. Usually, large digital currencies will rise first, followed by mainstream currencies, and finally small currencies that have not risen sharply. When you observe that mainstream digital currencies such as Bitcoin are rising, you can look for small currencies that have not risen sharply for investment.

Bottom-fishing pyramid strategy

If you want to bottom-fish and get large profits, you can try this strategy. During the decline of digital currency prices, buy in steps. The lower the price, the more you buy. For example, when the price of the currency falls to 80%, buy one-tenth of the total position; when the price of the currency continues to fall to 70%, buy two-tenths of the total position; and so on, until you buy the position at half the price. In this way, when the price of the currency rises, you can gradually reduce losses and get more profits. But please note that this strategy requires a certain amount of financial strength and risk tolerance.

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