A person is smart, has good grades in school, and is not bad at work, but is stuck in a state of "nothing accomplished" for a long time and is surrounded by frustration for a long time. At this time, you need to be aware of the relationship environment you are in to see if you dare not or are unwilling to achieve something because of overt or covert exploitation and encroachment. In other words, see if you have delayed your life because of resisting others. The relationship environment here includes both external and internal relationships.

There are too many smart people around me who have achieved nothing. Their emotional intelligence and IQ are higher than mine, but their achievements are indeed not as good as mine. What I said above is certainly not to go against the original intention of letting nature take its course and to pursue success. Instead, it means that when problems at the relationship level cause a person's real life to be seriously mismatched with his intellectual level, it is also a particularly painful thing for the person involved, because in this process, he did not be his true self, he hid his true self and suppressed his true self. $BTC