What is top-level thinking?

1. If you feel unwell, get more sleep.

2. If you feel unwell, read more books.

3. Ignore the facts that have already happened.

4. Never try to change anyone.

5. People who have been deleted will not be added a second time.

6. Don’t look back at the person who left.

7. Those who give up will never love again.

8. Money can solve 99% of problems.

9. Being indifferent can save you 80% of the troubles.

10. Never have any expectations of anyone, including your parents.

11. Be strong inside and don’t care what others say. Just let it stay in your mind for one second at most and then never think about it again. Be insensitive, not fragile, and have a strong insensitivity.

12. Adults have no safe haven, the balance is a sense of security.

13. Always remember “it’s none of my business” and “it’s none of your business” and put your own feelings first.

14. If a relationship is uncomfortable, it’s time to turn against each other.

15. As long as you are cruel enough, it will be others who break down every night.

16. If you can’t go straight, learn to turn.

17. Ask yourself less why and ask others more, why?

18. Try not to blame yourself for things that you can blame others.

19. "Shielding ability" is a person's top-level ability. It is wrong to look at any person or thing that consumes you for even a second.

20. Stay away from people who want to borrow even 100 dollars.

21. I would rather sleep on the floor than be the boss.

22. If you don’t have the ability, it’s useless to know anyone.

23. I only believe in those who don’t come to me when I’m at my peak.

24. I only trust those who talk to me when I’m feeling sad.

25. I only trust those who have helped me when I was down.

26. Only do three things: exercise, make money, and learn.

27. You must be ruthless and stay away from bad people, bad things, and unreliable people.

28. All those who have achieved great enlightenment were once hopeless.

29. Remember, only cattle and sheep travel in herds; wild beasts always walk alone.

30. If a problem can be solved with money, don’t use favors; if a problem can be solved with sweat, don’t use tears.

31. Don’t say stupid things, don’t do serious things with unreliable people, and don’t make friends with heartless people.

32. Don’t be afraid of loneliness, you can do well on your own.

33. To others, when I hold you in my arms, you are a cup; when I don’t hold you in my arms, you are a piece of glass.

34. Masters have no emotions. Those who get angry easily are not wise.

35. A person's awakening depends 1% on being reminded by others, and 99% on being cut into pieces.

36. There must be a ruthless cause before there will be a soft-hearted result. Only by climbing up can you save all living beings.

37. As a person, you must have a heart of a bodhisattva, but also the means of a butcher.

38. As long as you are cruel enough, it is others who will break down every night. When you can't let go of others, think about how others let go of you.

39. You can give up anything, but you can’t give up your ability to make money.

40. Social resources are always limited, and good things have to be snatched. Only the weak will sit and wait for distribution.

41. This world is not perfect. The essence of society is cannibalism, the law of the jungle, and survival of the fittest. No one can change this.

42. Complaining will not bring sympathy; complaining will not change your fate; showing off will not bring happiness; spraying will not quench your hunger and thirst.

43. The richer people are, the more they like to think carefully. The stupider the poor people are, the more they like to make big bets and go all in, which will make them unable to recover.

44. Except life and death, everything is just a scratch.

45. Kindness is meaningless; strength is the only real truth.

46. ​​Making money can cure all pretentiousness, and having money can cure all inferiority.

47. If you don’t have the ability, don’t be nice to others. Otherwise, it will be easily defined as flattery.

48. The essence of human nature is that the more decisively you act, the more you do things your own way, and the more you fight against obedience, the more people will admire you; the more honest, kind, and soft-hearted you are, the more people will bully you.

49. Make money when you have nothing to do, work hard to save money, and accumulate wealth.

50. One day in the future, we can say, “It’s great to have money!” instead of helplessly saying, “It would be great if we had money.”

51. Feng Tang said: If you go to a mental hospital, you will find that men go crazy because they want to "fight for the Central Plains"; women go crazy because they desire to be loved.

Whatever you care about will torment you, and whatever you care about will bother you.

52. There is no such thing as "can't do" or "can't do" in this world. There is only "don't want to do" and "dare not do". When you lose all your support, you will naturally know everything.

53. Don't spend too much time maintaining relationships. With money and ability, all relationships will be smooth. If they are not smooth, it is because you don't have enough money and ability. ​​​

54. "In any relationship, if your feelings and interests are not taken into consideration, please stop the loss in time. If kindness cannot bloom, then let it grow thorns!" ​​​

55. Once you have seen the light, you should reflect the light out.

56. Don't rush for revenge, rotten fruit will fall from the tree by itself.

57. People who can control their mouths are very powerful, whether they are eating or talking.

58. Don't show your cards easily just because you get along with someone. A fish that keeps its mouth shut is least likely to be hooked.

59. People who find fault with you just want to establish their authority, not because you really have a problem. People who ask you questions with answers don’t want answers, but something to hold against you.

60. Mistaking the wrong person; not blind, but soft-hearted. Trusting the wrong person; not stupid, but loyal. Loving the wrong person is not stupidity, but your disaster. You have to find your own reasons for everything. Don't try to tolerate others. Your shoes are dirty because the road you walk is not clean.

61. Don’t be greedy, we can’t have everything, and don’t be discouraged, we can’t have nothing. ​​​

62. You have to understand that truly smart people are usually not too smart. Being too smart is a kind of stupidity in itself. ​​​

63. The reason why the jealous person suffers is that what tortures him is not only his own failures and setbacks, but also the success of others.

64. Potatoes and tomatoes are from completely different worlds, but they came together because potatoes became French fries and tomatoes became ketchup. ​​​​

65. Life is like dumplings. No matter you are dragged into the water by others or jump into the water by yourself, if you don't wade through muddy water once, you will never mature. ​​​

66. Life is like drinking water, "alone, alone, alone, alone", one cup is gone...

67. Keep your mouth shut and avoid trouble, keep your heart safe and avoid mistakes. The more skills you learn, the less you need to ask for favors.

68. When you occasionally find that language becomes powerless, you might as well be quiet and let silence speak for you. ​​​​

69. Life needs four kinds of people: a famous teacher to guide you, a noble person to help you, relatives to support you, and villains to stimulate you.

70. Keeping your edge hidden, controlling yourself, and being careful with your words will make you luckier and luckier. ​​​

If it helps, please leave a praise and keep updating.

More: Don't let weird people steal your energy.

71. Forgive yourself for the things you did when you were in survival mode. We replay our lives.

Learn to love the inner child who has experienced deep pain and forgive yourself for your past.

72. You may have this tendency:

When you're with people, you either overshare or shut yourself off completely. This is because you've never seen healthy emotional sharing.

And not because there is something "wrong" with you.

73. You can recover.

At any time, at any stage of life, your healing can heal your descendants.

74. People don’t have to like you.

There is no need for people to love you.

They don't even have to respect you.

But when you look in the mirror,

Please take a good look at yourself and love yourself.

75. If God still doesn’t help you, it means He believes in you.

76. Healthy people will not deny you.

When you get used to being underestimated, humiliated, or outcast, you start to believe that this is "normal." But it's not.

77. Don’t care about the evaluation of someone who has nothing to do with your life. They don’t need to be responsible for your life, but you need to be responsible for your own life.

78. It is allowed to disappoint others. Adults can be rejected.

Your role is not to please everyone all the time.

79. You are not responsible for the emotions of other adults.

80. Your parents' opinions of you are a reflection of their own opinions of themselves, not the real you. #BTC走势分析 #美国4月CPI数据回落 #芝商所拟推出比特币现货交易