
[May 17th option delivery data]

18,000 BTC options are about to expire, the Put Call Ratio is 0.63, the maximum pain point is $63,000, and the nominal value is $1.2 billion.

320,000 ETH options are about to expire, the Put Call Ratio is 0.28, the maximum pain point is $3,000, and the nominal value is $930 million.

This week, stimulated by the Meme trend in the US stock market, BTC ETF also received significant capital inflows. BTC rose sharply to break through $65,000, but the crypto market outside the Meme was relatively weak, and the trading volume continued to fall. The differentiation of BTC and ETH option data can reflect this.

From the perspective of block trading and market trading structure, the IV decline trend of major terms has ended and entered a sideways trend. There is not much room for decline at present. BTC long and short are relatively balanced, while the weakness of ETH currency price has led to a continuous weakening of market confidence, and selling bullish has become the absolute main transaction.

The seller's cost-effectiveness is average under the current IV. It would be a better choice to buy at the right time. It is recommended to pay attention to the ETH BTC exchange rate pair transaction.