A whale with wallet address 0x541 just transferred all 197.99 billion SHIB (equivalent to 4.88 million USD) to Coinbase for 0.00002463 USD after 6 months of token inactivity. This transaction can be viewed here: Etherscan.

Transaction details and transaction history

  • Current Transaction: Whale Moves SHIB 197.99 Billion to Coinbase.

  • Selling price: 0.00002463 USD.

  • Average purchase price: 0.000008468 USD.

  • Purchase period: From October 10, 2021 to September 11, 2023.

  • Purchase cost: 1.68 million USD.

  • Estimated profit: 3.2 million USD (+191%) after 2.6 years.

Previous transaction

  • First trade: Whales buy 138.568 billion SHIB at an average price of 0.000008385 USD.

  • Reason for price drop: Vitalik Buterin's $1 billion SHIB donation to India's Covid relief fund on May 12, 2021.

  • Selling price: 0.000007117 USD.

  • Estimated loss: 176 thousand USD (-15.1%).

Meaning and influence

  • Current profits: If whales actually sell SHIB at Coinbase, they will make a significant profit.

  • Impact on the market: Large whale movements like this can affect SHIB's price in the market, but the move to Coinbase indicates a possible preparation for a sale or asset reorganization rather than immediate This creates great selling pressure.

If you always want to track more onchain information about shark shipping, you should follow the data of this Spotonchain page: https://platform.spotonchain.ai/referral?code=iwg0dd533jcp

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