#JTO。 JTO Professional analysis of intraday market on May 17, 2024

📈🔥 JTO's market today, the trend is revealed in the fluctuation, and the pullback and breakthrough are intertwined, providing investors with abundant profit opportunities.

Market interpretation:

Currently, JTO shows a pullback trend at the 2-hour level, but the 4-hour level shows that the bulls are relatively strong. In this situation, we need to pay special attention to the important price of 4.6262.

Breakthrough outlook:

If JTO can break through 4.6272 strongly, the 2-hour level will quickly turn to the bulls. At that time, the upper target will point to key points such as 4.6470, 4.6762 and 4.7081 in turn, bringing investors rich profit space.

Pullback support:

However, if JTO fails to successfully break through 4.6262, it is necessary to pay close attention to the support level below. Especially key points such as 4.6122, 4.5911 and 4.5709. If they get support at these positions and stop falling and rebound, it will be a good time for investors to arrange long orders.

Strategy suggestions:

At present, the long-short watershed at the 2-hour level is 4.6262. Investors need to pay close attention to this price to judge the market trend. At the same time, please keep in mind that there are risks in contract trading and be cautious. Ensure the safety of the principal to move forward steadily on the investment road and achieve more benefits.


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