Analysis of Bitcoin and Ethereum trends in the early morning:

The Ethereum of Bitcoin, which was promoted in the speech at noon, has risen to the pressure range. Let everyone reduce their long positions. Those who have not boarded the train should not chase it. After the top was sideways in the afternoon, it began to fall. Especially Ethereum, this garbage, led the decline by a long distance. It just fell to the second support level I gave at noon. Bitcoin is still strong. It stabilized after falling to the first support level I updated in the evening. Brothers, choose Bitcoin for longs and Ethereum for shorts! #大盘走势

Pay attention to the 66050 position of Bitcoin rebound in the early morning. If the rebound stands above, this wave of callback will end. The upper target is around 66600-67200.

If the rebound does not stand above 66050, the market will continue to fall back. Pay attention to the support level below 65340-64850-63570. #BTC走势分析

Pay attention to the 2965 position in the early morning rebound of Ethereum. If it falls below this position, the 4-hour rise will end and the daily rebound will also end. Pay attention to the support level below 2930-2895-2863.

If the rebound stands above 2970, the 4-hour correction is completed, and the upper target/pressure level will be around 3000-3035. #ETH