All answers about AltLayer ($ALT ) staking /reATL.

1. What is Staking ALT?

+ Staking ALT allows holder $ALT to stake $ALT to earn ALT rewards.

+ ALT rewards are given every second. To withdraw rewards, you will need to deposit via an on-chain transaction (using a staking portal). This step is only necessary if you do not deposit money into the reALT vault.

+ When you stake ALT, you must place the staking amount within a period of 21 days and cannot withdraw.

2. What is reALT staking?

+ reALT stands for restaking ALT. To receive reALT, you can deposit your staked ALT into the reALT vault.

+ By depositing your staked ALT into the reALT vault, you will be eligible to delegate to AltLayer LaunchPools.

+ In addition, reALT will automatically receive ALT staking rewards and send back staking rewards to receive gross profits for reALT holders. This process is done weekly.

3. Can reALT be withdrawn and what is the withdrawal period?

+ There is no waiting period for reALT token withdrawals. After withdrawing funds from the reALT vault, you will receive your staked ALT back immediately.

After that, the staked ALT can be changed to ALT through the ALT staking contract, the duration is 21 days.

4. What is Launchpool?

LaunchPool allows users to earn the upcoming LaunchPool project tokens by staking specific tokens such as reALT, LaunchPool project designated tokens, and ETH/LST. Delegation of ETH and LST is done on the EigenLayer restaking platform.

5. Can I join multiple Launchpools at the same time?

Yes, reALT is designed so you can have multiple LaunchPools at the same time.

6. LaunchPool APR and bonus period?

LaunchPool token rewards will be determined by project teams, and the exact future distribution and distribution schedule will depend on the project.

7. Why does ETH/LST staking with EigenLayer not receive rewards?

Rewards for those who participate in EigenLayer staking will only be available after EigenLayer releases the payment mechanism on their mainnet.

#ALTrestaking #ALT #AltLayer