A new series we are starting with you, which is searching for #العملات_الرقميه projects that are considered undervalued and that have not yet had their chance to rise.


Fourth currency: $PROPS. From sector #RWA

It is a decentralized platform for developing and operating real estate applications

It is an interesting project with the potential to make a significant impact on the real estate industry and become a leading player in the field of real estate tokenization, as it has a very good roadmap, and is working to complete it.

One of the biggest achievements is that it worked on creating a coding platform #Nexus to develop the real estate market via the Internet, and it represents a major step forward.

#Propbase uses a scalable private#blockchainnetwork called#Basechainto provide fast and cheap transactions

Some of its features are:

- It aims to make real estate investments more accessible and affordable for investors of all sizes.

- It seeks to improve the efficiency of the real estate market by reducing friction and providing more transparency.

- It uses its own programming language called Propbase Script to develop dApps.

Main information:

-Current price: $0.1353

- Market value: approximately $4,330 million

- Trading volume per 24 hours: $1,285 million

- Number offered for circulation: 347,954 million

#solana #bitcoin