🔥Hot news! The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) recently suggested that multiple regulators jointly regulate cryptocurrency transactions. This position is in stark contrast to the views of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which has always believed that private digital currencies represent macroeconomic risks. 🏦

Looking back at history, India has taken a tough stance on cryptocurrencies since 2018, and the RBI even banned lenders and other financial intermediaries from dealing with crypto users or exchanges, but this move was later rejected by the Supreme Court. 🔒

According to insiders, despite this, the RBI still supports banning stablecoins. However, in its submission to the government panel, SEBI suggested that different regulators should supervise activities related to cryptocurrencies that fall under their jurisdiction and should avoid establishing a single unified regulator for digital assets. 📝

This news undoubtedly brings new thinking and challenges to the blockchain industry. We will continue to pay attention to the progress of this matter. 🔍