- Lido co-founders and venture capital firm Paradigm are reportedly backing a new company, Symbiotic, in the restaking arena, challenging EigenLayer.

- Symbiotic aims to provide a permissionless restaking protocol compatible with various assets, including Lido's staked ETH token (stETH).

- Internal documents obtained by CoinDesk outline Symbiotic's approach to coordinating node operators and providers of economic security.

- EigenLayer, a dominant player in restaking, has seen significant deposits since its launch.

- The involvement of Cyber Fund and Paradigm could position Symbiotic as a strong competitor to EigenLayer, reflecting growing interest in restaking.

- Liquid restaking startups have affected the market for Lido's stETH token, prompting discussions within the Lido DAO about the future strategy around restaking.

📈 Implications:

- The emergence of Symbiotic highlights the intensifying competition in the restaking space and the desire to capitalize on this growing trend.

- Symbiotic's permissionless approach and compatibility with various assets may appeal to users seeking flexibility and decentralization.

- Discussions with other restaking firms suggest potential integration opportunities and industry interest in Symbiotic's platform.

💡 Takeaway:

- Keep an eye on Symbiotic's development and its impact on the restaking landscape, as it could reshape dynamics within the DeFi ecosystem.

- Stay informed about the evolving strategies of leading players like Lido and EigenLayer as they navigate the competitive landscape.

Stay tuned for further updates as this story unfolds! 🌐 #DEFİ #restaking #CryptoNews🚀🔥 📰🔗