In a market environment with high risks, being able to preserve assets is actually more valuable than getting more returns. Let Brother Yu explain this point in a more understandable way: 2-3 times a year is enough!

First of all, we must realize that in a market full of uncertainty, the security and value preservation of funds are more important than the pursuit of high returns. After all, if all savings are lost at once, it will be difficult to build a wealth foundation again in the future. Preserving existing assets is the cornerstone of long-term development.

It is like surviving in a fierce war, and it is more valuable to compete for the number of enemies killed. Because only by surviving can you have the opportunity to start again and win the final victory. For the same reason, in a market environment where risks change rapidly, being able to keep wealth safe and sound is the most critical.

In addition, conservative operations can also leave you enough funds and time to learn and accumulate more investment experience. After all, investment and financial management is a skill that requires long-term accumulation, and it is easy to suffer heavy losses if you act hastily. On the contrary, if you can take steady steps and gradually improve your investment ability, you will have more and more opportunities to make money in the future!