@Everyone 5.16 Wednesday BTC/ETH trend analysis and operation suggestions,

The current price of Bitcoin is 65980 and Ethereum is 3012. Yesterday's data is good for Bitcoin, so Bitcoin stood up directly. In the previous analysis, we have been telling you to hold the spot, and we have reminded you of the position below 6w and 61000. This morning, it has reached 66000. For the later prediction, it must be consolidated at a high level for 4 hours and then make another effort to see if it can stand firm at 68500 before deciding to operate. The general trend of Bitcoin is in line with expectations. There are some mistakes in the small cycle operation, but fortunately, the position has not moved. Basically, it has made a lot of profits today! People also successfully doubled to 0.053, and at night it reached 0.058 and 0.067. Everyone can consider whether to sell according to their own strategy!

The big positive line of Bitcoin daily line has been confirmed, so as long as it does not fall below 64500, you must hold the spot position, especially the long-term position we did at a low level before, holding has a future! Then the daily line will still be strong after the indicator crosses the 0 axis, so time still needs to be waited! Don't be in a hurry! Trading is a process of exchanging time for space! The short-term pressure level of Bitcoin is 67300 68650 and the support level is 65000 63900.

It is worth paying attention to Ethereum here. If it cannot be strong, remember to operate according to the strategy if you have added positions! You still need to prevent risks and make a good profit and loss ratio! Then Ethereum focuses on tomorrow's closing position. The short-term pressure level of Ethereum is 3076 3188 and the support level is 2968 2870. Once again, remind everyone who is a long-term investor of small coins to remember to hold on! ! ! #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #ETH走势分析