Example: Short transactions of Ahmet and his bots are open. Since the US inflation data is announced as expected, market makers immediately push the BTC price up and like Ahmet. Then, Ahmet, who watches the market, and Mehmet, who sees the rise in the BTC price and opens a new transaction, open a long transaction. Then Israel fires a missile or other negative news comes. Or, when the liquidity I target is accumulated inside, without waiting for any news, market makers immediately sell heavily, this time liqing Ahmet again, but this time the liquidity increases because the newcomer also liqs Mehmet.

Now let's come to the only question in mind: What will be the next price movement of#BTCaccording to this scenario? I'm waiting for your comments.

Additionally, these are my personal opinions, they are not definitive and are not investment advice. It is for informational purposes.

My article is finished. (2/2)

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