How to become an influential and appealing big V?

If you don't know anything, it doesn't matter.

The threshold of the currency circle is very low.

I list a few simple methods here:

1. After discovering an early alpha project,

Just do targeted output, update dynamics, and move and organize around this track or project.

You don't need to know too much, because other people know nothing about new things.

Your information is the most important information gap for them.

Keep milking every day, keep milking.

When the project and track gradually become popular, you will be the big V and OG in this field, and you will have the right to speak.

For example, the first batch of big Vs who played Ordinals rose in this way.

2. Find projects with the largest number of users holding coins and generally optimistic about them, but the price performance of the coins is no different from a pile of shit.

Get rid of milk, pump up chicken blood every day, and do cx. You can see that the trading kols who are most likely to increase their fans are all doing analysis around BTC and ETH. The user audience is large enough, and the content you output can get more display and attention. Of course, the track of BTC and ETH is already very competitive.

You can go to milk some ENA, PEPE, SOL, Bome, Self and other projects with high user consensus and wide user audience.

The first two points are about milking. Compared with milking, it is easier to get traffic by spraying.

What to spray?

Spray the most popular projects,

Spray unscrupulous project parties,

Spray the leaders in the industry, this should be cautious.

Be sure to spray what they do wrong.

If you spray randomly, the water army you raise will beat you to pieces.

Of course, if you don’t care, I don’t care.

Why is spraying the easiest way to increase fans? Everyone likes to watch the excitement.

And in the currency circle, everyone is in a unanimous position against the unscrupulous project parties who cut leeks.

The more fiercely you spray the unscrupulous project parties, the higher the degree of user empathy.

So the spraying trick is a killer move.

KOL stands for Key Opinion Leader, key opinion leader.

So the core is that you have to express your opinion PUA.

KOL who can’t PUA must not be able to do it.

For example, I don't know how to do PUA, so I'm destined to never be a KOL.

I can only be a leek and be PUA by others. #山寨币热点 $BTC