#btc Today's Bullish

News: BTC holders are in a good position, only 7.9% of BTC supply is currently in a loss state, Coinbase set the third largest BTC outflow record this year, worth nearly $1 billion, the total network liquidation amount is $127 million, and the long position liquidation is $99.55 million.

Community sentiment: There is short-term optimism in the market, and technical analysis shows that there may be an upward trend, but it is also necessary to pay attention to resistance and support levels.

Effective information: The proportion of losses in BTC supply is low, Coinbase has a large outflow, and the total network contract liquidation amount is high

BTC expectations: There is an expectation of rising in the short term, but it is necessary to pay attention to resistance and support levels. Long-term investment advice can be considered based on fundamental data.

Investment advice: In the short term, pay attention to the signals of breaking through resistance and support levels, and in the long term, combine fundamental data to make investment decisions.

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