There are four stages in a bull market

As a trader, there are only three things you need to know:

Identify each bull market stage

Maximize your profits

Avoid the most common traps

In the cryptocurrency carnival, we often hear the word "FOMO" (fear of missing out). But did you know? The entire bull market can actually be divided into four stages, each with its own unique characteristics and strategies.

Stage 1: Ready to go

The market is still brewing, price fluctuations are not large, and liquidity is insufficient. But it is at this time that you can start to lay out and choose those potential projects with low market capitalization for investment. At the same time, don't forget to learn and understand market dynamics to prepare for the next FOMO market.

Stage 2: Try your hand

As prices begin to rise, the market begins to get lively. But at this time, most people are still waiting and watching. At this stage, you can take appropriate profits and pay attention to those projects that have potential but have not yet exploded. Remember, don't use leverage blindly to avoid risks.

Stage 3: Crazy feast

When retail investors flock to the market, the real bull market feast begins. FOMO sentiment will drive the market bubble to continue to expand, and the price of BTC may soar to 100,000 or even 200,000. But remember, there will be loneliness after the feast. You need to keenly capture the top signal, stop profit in time, and avoid being swallowed by the market.

Top signal:

Everyone is talking about this round of bull market is different, and the market will stabilize. Mainstream media began to report on cryptocurrencies in large quantities. Friends are showing off their investment records. Laolang is also ambushing a currency that is about to explode recently, 30% in the short term and 5-8 times in the long term. If you are interested, see the introduction in Laolang's avatar.

Fourth stage: Bubble burst

When funds cannot support the bubble, the market will begin to fall back. At this time, you need to return to reality and plan the investment direction of the next cycle. Don't blindly follow the trend, observe the changes in the external environment, and wait for the arrival of the next bull market.

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