Bitcoin plummeted, but altcoins did not. Why? Hold on to the spot in your hands. Funds in the cryptocurrency circle continue to flow in. The small bull market has ended, but the big bull market has not yet begun...


The cryptocurrency circle has been sideways for so long, and finally chose a direction today.

However, this direction is different from what we imagined. I originally thought that with the support of ETF, the bottom of 60,000 would be difficult to break. However, today's panic decline directly caused the market to plummet.

The main reason for this wave of decline is the extinguishing of ETF. I originally thought that the listing of ETF in Hong Kong would boost the market, but it did not cause a ripple.

If you want to know more about the relevant knowledge of the cryptocurrency circle and the latest cutting-edge information, click on the avatar to follow me. Players who have doubled 10 times in a month are also welcome to follow orders. Daily market analysis, high-quality potential currency recommendations #BTC走势分析 $SOL