In a bull market where no one takes over, it is too difficult to make money, just grab it directly. Code this minimalist meme guide to teach you how to turn over and become a "scythe"!

How many steps are there to create a meme with a market value of over 100 million?

First, the one-click coin issuance tool for Meme coins:

Solana chain,

Base chain and FriendTech

Then, review the typical successful cases of memes with a market value of over 100 million US dollars, and grasp the following four elements:


Material: Cats, dogs, frogs, and Trump


Community: The initiator cannot be an unknown person


Momentum: focus on sincerity, pay out of pocket, purchase first, targeted airdrops, fancy advertising, and continuous momentum


Funds: attract large-scale speculators on the field

These four elements are indispensable for the success of a Meme coin.

Although not every Meme coin needs to be a quadrilateral warrior, it needs to have certain expertise in several aspects to make up for the lack of other aspects.

The above content is purely for entertainment, please do not test the law

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