Lens Protocol, a social protocol created by the Aave team, announced the launch of V2 yesterday (17), adding four major features that allow users to perform more operations and create value when using it. In addition, the long-awaited waiting list has been reopened. Don't miss it if you want to experience the Lens ecosystem.

New in Lens V2: Open Actions

This feature aims to bring users a more diverse and native operating experience, adding various Web3 functions to the Lens App.

Through open operations, users and developers can "bring their own smart contracts" and enable any external smart contract operations on Lens, and even extend to cross-chain operations with oracle support (such as operations between Ethereum and L2).

The following are some examples of open operations proposed by the authorities:

  1. Tracking

  2. Mint external NFTs directly on Lens

  3. Buy and sell ERC-20 tokens or NFTs

  4. Joining the DAO

  5. Buying LAND on Decentraland

  6. Make a Gitcoin donation

  7. Join the waiting list

  8. Providing liquidity to DeFi protocols

Lens V2 New Feature: Collective Value Share

Lens V2 introduces more value-sharing opportunities, allowing everyone to share in the benefits and rewarding collaborative actions.

For example, user A can post an article on Orb, user B can comment on it, and user C can bookmark the content on another app (such as Buttrfly). One of the algorithms recommends the content to the administrator, who can bring in additional viewers.

In this case, the original publisher may want to share the revenue to reward users, apps, and algorithms that contribute to each step, thereby strengthening the value delivery and strengthening ecosystem partners and their business models.

Lens officials believe that this mechanism will give people the opportunity to implement a profit model that rewards beneficial actions and altruistic behavior, while also supporting cooperation between networks and sustainable ecosystem growth on shared networks.

New features in Lens V2: Profile updates

Lens V2 profiles integrate the ERC-6551 token standard, allowing the value of "minting" and "collection" to accumulate to the profile rather than the owner's address.

For example, a CryptoKitty can have a Lens profile to follow other CryptoKitties and post content; or after purchasing virtual land NFT in the Sandbox, the land can also have a Lens profile and set up a mailbox to communicate with other virtual land.

New features of Lens V2: Personal profile management

After improving the security layer of Lens profiles, the new profile management feature allows users to delegate social actions to different wallets and store their profiles directly on hardware wallets.

This functionality also allows profiles of DAOs or communities to be stored in a smart contract and simultaneously available from one or more other addresses.

Lens waitlist reopens

After introducing all the main features of Lens V2, the official also announced the restart of the waiting list (the webpage is temporarily under maintenance) to allow more users to join the Lens social ecosystem.