Odaily Planet Daily News: @tonyke_bot, an intern at blockchain security company FuzzLand, posted on the X platform that team members used $100 to prevent more than $6.5 million in assets on Sonne Finance from being further attacked by hackers. Specifically, Sonne, which is based on Compound, has a common Compound V2 vulnerability that allows attackers to perform precision loss attacks when there is an uninitialized new pool (soVELO). FuzzLand detected the attack immediately after the hacker's first attack and found that the attacker held a soVELO position, which made it impossible to exploit it without clearing the precision loss. FuzzLand then exchanged some VELO for $100 and added it to the soVELO pool. The vulnerability was no longer exploitable, thus protecting the remaining pool funds of about $6.5 million from being reused. Earlier news, according to Paidun monitoring, DeFi lending agreement Sonne Finance was hacked and needed to carefully check its time lock contract. The current loss exceeded $20 million. Sonne Finance posted on the X platform that all Optimism markets have been suspended. The markets on Base are safe. This time, the attacker exploited a vulnerability in a newly added market. Within two days of the market's creation, the attacker used a multi-signature wallet and time lock function to execute key transactions and successfully manipulated the market's collateral factor (c-factor). Although the Sonne team quickly organized a response after the attack and suspended the market within 25 minutes of discovering the problem to reduce further losses, about $6.5 million in funds were retained. The Sonne team is working hard to track down the attacker's identity and has offered a bounty to the attacker, hoping that he will return the funds to avoid further investigation. At the same time, the Sonne team sincerely apologizes for this incident and is contacting all possible partners to work hard to recover the funds.