Trump's family background does not prevent him from being the most meme president in history;

Wang Sicong is not like the traditional rich second generation who pays attention to the rules of aristocratic family, and was once the most meme blogger on Weibo;

Solana and Bera Chain are backed by well-known VCs, which does not prevent them from being meme-like;

So, there is no class contradiction between meme and origin, and it is not that the Red Army of Workers and Peasants relied on fighting landlords to carry out land reform to maintain the purity of the revolution.

The US stock market has also been swept by the meme wave recently. Why do the masses love meme? The "first principle" is that value coins/value stocks are not very profitable in the current volatile market. At this time, a "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom" shouting "God Worshipping Religion" will make the masses want to regard it as the real Jesus.

Meme coins are not omnipotent. In the window where incremental funds and incremental users are pouring in, the most fragrant is not meme, but traffic-side applications, followed by value coins. When Nvidia and Tesla soared, no one cared about the retail revolutionary nature of $gme. When Axie and StepN became popular, Dogecoin also looked less attractive, despite Musk's endorsement.

The reason is that although everyone knows that this is a casino, the cognitive level is not to find the one with the most naked gambling cards, but to find the one that looks the most logical and burning. The easiest order for outsiders to come in is this.

The traffic and funds of the existing market are only enough for the "daily" pvp casino gameplay, which is called restore meme culture, but in fact it is a consumption downgrade. But you have to understand this, it's not really a fucking revolution.

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