The Bitcoin market is still in a wide range of fluctuations, but the short-term has accelerated the frequency of back and forth washes. Yesterday, affected by the PPI data and Powell's dovish remarks, the market panicked, and there was a disagreement between long and short positions. The ups and downs also caught retail investors off guard. It would be a lie to say that we are not sad. The short positions retreated sharply in the morning, and it is a pity to wipe out our long positions! It is mainly affected by market sentiment. Some Wall Street bigwigs warned that US stocks may face a sharp drop, and all this stems from Powell's overly rash attitude towards potential stagflation!

The market at midnight belongs to the transition stage of digesting market sentiment. As for the current market, it is reasonable to give short-term trading a certain difficulty. It can't break the top and the bottom. It's just a wash. Today we are still very cautious. We have been entering the market at the point. However, the retracement exceeds the defensive expectations. At present, the technical structure is weak, but the bottom has stopped falling and rebounded, and there are signs of stabilization. If the shorts continue, it will not probe 61,000 three times without breaking. Therefore, we need to pay attention to this position in the short term. It is still bullish during the day. Whether the multi-head can turn the tide depends on the release of the CPI data in the evening!

Operation suggestions for Wednesday morning:

Bitcoin: Short-term retracement around 61,000-61,500, more, target 62,500-63,500.

Ethereum: Just follow the synchronous thinking, get a good point, and take good defense!

#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #BTC走势分析 #ETH