The cryptocurrency world is a place where big fish eat small fish

Small fish eat the scraps, this is reality

Maybe some people are very talented, but talent is also illusory in front of absolute purple gold.

You may be able to make a few more accurate transactions in the cryptocurrency world and make a little money, and people around you think you are quite capable.

But when you go to the next level, you will find that you are facing a big institutional trader.

Going a step further to the global financial market, you will find that you are facing financial giants of the level of Soros, Buffett, BlackRock, and Musk. Every operation of theirs is defining the future of the entire market, and the huge purple gold drags the market up and down.

You may be the son of heaven, but in Wall Street, which is as bright as a star in the financial world, even if you are a trading genius picked from thousands of miles away, and finally become one of the 100,000 heavenly soldiers who besiege the Great Sage, trading is just a game for capitalists, and talent is just a threshold to meet them. Your ceiling is just a routine operation for them.

For so many years in the Chinese stock market, the person closest to Soros is only Xu Xiang.

There is no shortage of geniuses in the market

What is lacking is geniuses with self-control

There are actually many myths in the cryptocurrency circle

Some people just didn't write them down

From 100,000 to 10 million, from 10 million to zero

There are many in the cryptocurrency circle and in the financial industry

#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #Meme币你看好哪一个? #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件

I will announce a short-term growth of 30% in ⭕

For details, follow me

Again, if you come to me, I will take you ashore, you just lie down,

Friends who deduct 999 in the comment area, take a closer look at my personal pinned number to take you in! (Free)🌹

Brother Xiong will not let my fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth👈