This article is a supplement to the first article. I will give you a simple and clear summary. It connects with the profit summary of the previous article in March. This is the profit summary for April. The picture below is a continuous public post on March 27 and April 4 with specific points accurate to the single digits and short orders entered accurately at the highest point‼ ️

If you want to read the whole article, please click this link 🔗 to view the previous article: The chief team made millions of profits, the first profit teaching summary in March, please click here to view

The picture below is when the non-agricultural market came on April 5. At that time, it had been falling for a month before the whole network reacted to short. We also called for shorts for a month, and the short orders were also profitable for a month. But at this time, the technical level was highlighted again. That is, after we called for shorts for a month, the whole network also reacted to shorts. On the day when the non-agricultural market was announced, we once again shouted a different voice from the whole network‼ ️We called for longs at the current price, and publicly predicted the subsequent trend, first going long for a wave of rise and then going out of the decline📉

Then we came to the CPI market on April 5, which was also a wave of data market. We have always been at the top level in grasping the data market. You can search for the keywords of non-agricultural and CPI on my homepage. Every time there is a non-agricultural and CPI market, we publish it publicly for everyone to take down. In the CPI market, we also repeated the same views as the non-agricultural market‼ ️So again, all our articles are read together. His thinking logic and views on the market are very firm, clear and logical. One day ago, we said that the non-agricultural data rose first and then fell, completing a wave of 900-point huge profits for both long and short positions. For this wave of CPI, we once again gave the same view as the non-agricultural data, that is, the plunge is not over yet, it rose first and then fell🤑

Continuing with the above picture, this wave of CPI market is our strongest masterpiece. We first reminded everyone that CPI would rise first and then plummet, and on April 4th we posted that it would fall to 2888. At that time, the price was still around 3600. This wave of CPI also rose to around 3630 first, and then we publicly gave everyone a specific operation trend chart, which is drawn in Figure 1 above, to remind everyone to draw the specific position of the short order entry in the trend chart. Figure 2 is the subsequent trend. Comparing Figure 2 with Figure 1, you can see that the subsequent biggest plunge was completely in accordance with the position of Figure 1 that we publicly announced before, and it fell from 3600 to 2800. This was the market on April 14th‼ ️Then look at the picture above of our article on April 4th. As early as April 4th, I publicly and firmly said that our short orders must be stopped at 2888. The articles for 10 consecutive days echoed each other and corroborated each other. On April 4th, I said that it would fall to 2888, and on April 12th, I shorted again. On April 14th, it fell precisely to 2888 and we stopped our short orders at a profit. We also reversed our long orders and entered the market, taking on all the plunges and going long at the same time. We had control over all the market conditions. All the articles before and after a whole month completely corroborated each other without any flaws. These cannot be faked‼ ️

The above is the most exciting part, the one below is the monkey market stage after the sharp drop, when 700,000 bulls were harvested and we made a lot of money and then consolidated. When everyone was confused and didn’t know whether to continue shorting or to buy the bottom and go long, we gave everyone the public points with the exact single-digit predictions‼ ️

The following figure shows that after the sharp drop, the market was unclear and we entered the market at the pressure point of 3254 when the Middle East war was hyped, and took the big drop.

This is the long order that was publicly released to everyone during the rebound process in the recent few days after the sharp drop, and it is accompanied by a screenshot of the actual trading. We have tens of millions of funds in Binance, and all the orders in the article are in the actual trading. Finally, it is accompanied by a screenshot of the actual trading, which is at the bottom of the article‼ ️

The analysis we provide to everyone for free is too accurate, which makes some unscrupulous bloggers jealous and maliciously smear us. I will teach you how to identify fraudulent fan bloggers🫡

1. All our analysis of the market is published before the market comes out. The article can be checked, the points are specific, the decline in the surge, the rebound in the plunge are carefully predicted, real technology, not just shouting long and short💯

Fraudulent bloggers: never give specific points and analysis, randomly draw lines and say ambiguous words about ups and downs, once the market appears, they post fake chat records and screenshots to say they have made money again, without screenshots of positions or analysis of points and market trends given in previous articles

2. The chief team has 10 million real accounts, right here on Binance. Enter the Binance copy trading private domain search, and you can directly see the real account income. We will do the orders sent to you in the real account ourselves, and make profits and losses with everyone. We have the strongest profit ability in the entire network💯

Fraud bloggers: There is no real market, they only post fake chat record screenshots and say they have made money. In fact, chat records can be forged at no cost just to harvest fans and membership fees. Some Qianu War Gods opened real market and their positions were liquidated within a few days.

These articles that are used to defame our fraudulent bloggers will be updated this month first. The articles are written rather roughly, and will be updated and improved later‼ ️

#新币挖矿 #美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #GameStop带动Meme板块