When can we buy the bottom?

Yiming has also expressed his personal opinion on this question before. The best time to ambush the spot this year should be around the end of the second quarter and the beginning of the third quarter.

Judging from the weekly trend of the US dollar, it is now in a rebound trend. This trend is about 7 weeks. It is now in the second quarter, and the end time is basically consistent.

Position: This wave of rebound of the US dollar is going straight to the 61.8% position, that is, 108.9. When the market turning point appears, the US dollar index will rise but the crypto market will not fall. That is the time to ambush in the long-term cycle.

Comprehensive judgment, bottom-picking conditions

1: Time: The end of the second quarter and the beginning of the third quarter

2: Position: After the US dollar index reaches 108.9.

There is no need to predict the specific position of the big cake and the concubine at that time, and it is useless. There will be a price naturally when the time comes.

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