#美国4月CPI通胀数据即将公布 #山寨币热点

After 3 months of "rising", many people have several illusions.

1. 2024 is the starting point of the bull market.

2. There will be no more big drops in 2024.

3. Every decline is a good opportunity to buy.

4. The pie is only 62k points, so what's there to be afraid of when it just starts to rise.

When it was 68k, most people didn't think so, thinking that 68k might not be the bottom, and it would fall below 62k or even 53k.

Yesterday's rebound and today's pins have changed many people's three views, but ignored things that have not changed in essence.

The bottom of the market is the chips, the middle layer is the fundamentals, and the upper layer is the people's hearts.

The chips at the bottom are still surging undercurrents, the fundamentals in the middle layer have not improved substantially, but the people's hearts at the top have been satisfied.