Why do we still invest in "sunk costs" even though we know it's wrong?

1. I waited for a long time under the scorching sun for the bus but it didn't come. I wanted to take a taxi, but I had to wait for so long.

2. I paid to watch a movie, but it turned out to be a bad movie. I was afraid of wasting it, so I had to endure it.

3. I bought a digital currency, but I didn't sell it when it fell by 20%. I was even more reluctant to sell it when it fell to 40%, so I had to lie down and pretend to be dead, and the short-term investment became the long-term investment.

4. I got a coupon worth 50 yuan off for every 500 yuan I spent. Because I couldn't bear to throw away the 50 yuan coupon, I bought another 500 yuan worth of things I didn't really want.

5. I was in a relationship for three years, but I found that being together was very tiring, but I had already spent three years of my youth, so I decided to get married.

6. I started a new project, but in the third month I found that the income of this project was very different from the expected, but I had already spent a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources in these three months, so I finally went ahead with it.

Whenever I face a new choice, I not only think about what benefits it can bring, but also consider whether I have paid for it in the past. The time, money and energy that have been invested are the so-called "sunk costs". These costs make me hesitate, as if they can determine my future. But now I understand that past investments cannot determine my current choices. I must learn to let go of the past, make decisions bravely, and not be trapped by sunk costs.

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