Are you a newcomer to the cryptocurrency world and feel lost? Don’t worry, the following trading tips and ways to make money will help you adapt to this world full of opportunities and challenges more quickly. I am exhausted after writing this. I hope that all of you, the fans of Ares, will read it word for word.

1. Trading tips

  1. Buy horizontal and pit instead of vertical, the selling point is in the boiling point

  • This means: buy when the price is stable or slightly adjusted, and avoid blindly chasing high prices when the price is rising sharply. When the market heat reaches its peak and the crowds are bustling, it is often a good time to sell.

2. Continuous small increases are real increases, and continuous large increases require exiting the market

  • If the price of a currency rises slightly continuously, it is likely to be a real upward trend. But if it rises sharply continuously, you should be alert, as it may be a sign that the bubble is about to burst, and it is best to leave the market and wait and see.

3. If the price rises sharply, it will fall back. Don’t buy too much unless you dig a deep hole.

  • When the price of a currency suddenly rises sharply, there is often a need for a callback. If the callback is not deep, then do not buy it easily. The real buying opportunity often appears after the price has a deep callback.

4. The main rise will reach its peak, so sell quickly when the price drops sharply and sell slowly when the price rises slowly.

  • When the price of a currency accelerates in the main rising phase, it often means that it is about to peak. At this time, if the price drops rapidly, you should sell it quickly; if the price only rises slowly, you can sell it slowly.

5. A sharp drop without volume is a threat, a slow drop with large volume is a sign of haste.

  • If the price of a currency suddenly drops sharply but the trading volume is not large, this may be a market intimidation behavior. However, if the price drops slowly but the trading volume is increasing, then you should be alert, as this may be a signal of capital flight and you should evacuate as soon as possible.

6. When the price breaks through the lifeline, do not hesitate to trade in waves

  • Lifelines usually refer to some important technical indicator lines or moving averages. If the price of a currency breaks through these lifelines and continues to move upward, do not hesitate and decisively carry out swing trading.

7. Look carefully at the daily and monthly lines, and follow the main force to build positions

  • Daily and monthly lines are important tools for observing market trends. By carefully analyzing these line charts, you can better grasp the main force and trend of the market and establish your own positions.

8. The price of the currency is rising without volume, the main force is tempting to buy, don't stand guard

  • If the trading volume does not increase significantly during the rise of the price, then this may be the main force to lure more. At this time, do not blindly follow the trend and buy, so as not to become a "leek" standing guard. A new low with shrinking volume is a bottom image, and an incremental rebound is a sign of entry. When the price of a currency reaches a new low after a shrinking decline, this is often a signal of the bottom. If the trading volume begins to increase at this time and is accompanied by a price rebound, then it is a good time to enter the market.

2. Ways to make money

There are many ways to make money in the cryptocurrency world. Here are nine common ways:

Cryptocurrency speculation: Earn the difference by buying and selling currencies.

Hoarding valuable coins: holding potential coins for a long time and waiting for their value to rise.

Exchange arbitrage (IEO): arbitrage by taking advantage of exchange promotions or new coin issuance opportunities.

Airdrop: Participate in the project's airdrop activities to get free tokens and wait for them to appreciate.

DeFi Mining: Get mining rewards by participating in decentralized financial projects.

Mining with physical mining machines: Purchase physical mining machines to mine and get rewards.

GameFi Farming: Earn in-game currency or tokens by participating in game finance programs.

Participate in the primary market: directly participate in the private placement or crowdfunding stage of the project to obtain low-priced tokens. Donate to early projects: support early projects through donations to obtain project tokens or interests.

All roads lead to Rome. There are many ways to make money in the cryptocurrency world. The key is to find a way that suits you and stick to it. I hope these tips and methods can help you adapt to the cryptocurrency world faster and find your own way to make money!

Ares is also ambushing a currency that is about to explode recently, with a short-term return of 30% and a long-term return of about 5-8 times. As I said before, if you take the initiative to find me, I will take you ashore, and you just lie down.
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God of War will not let my fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth