Only 5,000 yuan on hand? Don't underestimate it, it's enough to set off a storm in the currency circle!

Want to roll a position? 5,000 yuan can play the whole game! But before that, you have to understand the essence of rolling a position. Have a net profit of 50,000? That's your starting point! Bitcoin 10,000 opening position, 10 times leverage, position-by-position mode, only 10% position, 5,000 yuan as margin, risk? In fact, it's just that!

Set the stop loss at 2%, even if the position is really blown up, it will only lose 1,000 yuan. Once Bitcoin rises to 11,000, and then invest 10% of the total funds, the stop loss is still set at 2%, then you have earned 8% profit!

Don't be scared by "rolling a position", put it another way-floating profit plus position! Futures trading experts all know this trick. You don't need to keep high leverage, two or three times is enough. The key is to seize the opportunity with high certainty, sideways fluctuations after a sharp drop, and break upward after multiple bottoming out. At this time, the probability of trending is very high!

Want to make 1 million? 50,000 is enough and risk-free! Invest 100,000 first, wait for the opportunity when the B circle kills retail investors, and buy spot to make a profit of 100,000. Then use 50,000 of the 100,000 profit to "gamble". If you have the courage, roll the warehouse, two or three times leverage, a few times, tens of millions or hundreds of millions are not a dream!

But remember, patience is the key! Don't hoard coins, you can't make a few times even if you invest until the peak of the bull market. If you want to get rich, you must dare to take risks, but you must also choose the time wisely.

Can't see the market clearly? No matter how good the opportunity is, it has nothing to do with you! Follow me and share spot codes, bull market layout strategies, and 100-fold potential coins every day! Don't miss every opportunity to get rich! #大盘走势难测 #抄底最佳时机 #币圈王者之路