Being poor is not an economic state, but a mental state.

In a truly poor family, family members are full of internal strife, and it is unlikely that they will unite and cooperate, help each other, and come to the conclusion that "money is like an iron, which can iron everything flat without a wrinkle; if I have money, I will be kinder than them", because they have never been "rich" and cannot imagine a life with money.

As a person born in a poor family, I particularly agree with this view. Most of the poor families I have seen will quarrel over a needle, a button, or a vegetable.

Children of the poor often live in fear and anxiety. Only children with extremely strong energy can get rid of this downward force and climb out of the well. Most children will only become their parents when they grow up.

Couples who do not fight each other when they encounter problems will not be poor for too long even if they are poor. Moreover, among the poor, such couples account for a very small proportion.

It is an irrefutable truth that "poor couples are prone to failure in everything".

Why are poor families easily inharmonious?

First, economic difficulties make it impossible for people to relax, but always in a state of anxiety and stress. Any waste of anything, any loss of control, may cause the poor to be highly nervous and anxious, and then blame and complain about others, causing family disharmony.

Second, the poorer the person, the less they can accept the cultural differences, personality differences, and value differences between people, and the easier it is to misunderstand, dislike, and control each other. Family members who cannot feel dignity and freedom will inevitably rebound, and then the whole family will be in constant war and smoke all year round.

Third, the poor are a vulnerable group outside, suffering more harm, humiliation, and unfair treatment, and their interests are most seriously damaged, but it is difficult for them to have the courage to fight against the outside world, because the resentment and aggression caused by being hurt outside can only be released within the family, so they often live a chaotic life and have no peace at home.

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