#People #SHIB Lao Gou shares his views on the market with a responsible, objective and rational attitude, and has his own unique market insights.

The data and information in the article come from public news and information. However, no guarantee is made regarding the accuracy and completeness of the information. The content is for reference only and does not constitute any investment advice.


Some time ago, XRP surged by 100% in one day. LaoGou has told everyone about the XRP market several months in advance. So friends who haven’t gotten on the bus are still wondering which currency the next round of market prices will be. LaoGou has not completely However, judging from the concepts that have exploded in the market so far, the next one that will explode will be the Meme coin concept.

The first is SHIB. During the last big drop, the SHIB whale withdrew a large number of tokens from the exchange to the wallet. It was obvious that it had completed the bottom buying behavior. According to the recent market trend, it no longer has the conditions to continue the big drop, so SHIB should be one of them when the next round of market breaks out.

From the weekly level, the price of SHIB has reached the low point in recent years. The current weekly rebound is slow, and the daily level shows a concussive upward trend. The daily level below also has strong support, and the continuous shock is very It may be that the market makers continue to accumulate funds, so SHIB is likely to usher in a weekly rebound. In the short term, pay attention to the strong pressure at the 0.000017 position, which will usher in more than double the increase in the short term.

The second currency is People. There is still more than a year before the US election. As a meme currency, the performance of People in the past year has been unsatisfactory. However, with a series of moves by candidates before the general election, people is likely to appear like a dark horse in the next hot spot. Because from the perspective of historical K, people's market trends generally come and go quickly, so the short-term weekly market trends focus on the two positions of 0.029 and 0.034.

There are other currencies, so I won’t share them one by one here. The bull market has been in the early stages for more than half a year. Every cycle is an opportunity. Don’t miss it.

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